Thursday, May 31, 2012

Saint Mary

Following a 3 day whirlwind tour of DC with my older daughter's 8th grade class, I headed to Baltimore to visit my dear friend Mary. As I step into her world, I am flooded with memories of living in a poor neighborhood in which I had a woman who was constantly fighting with her boyfriend in the row house on one side and a family in which I could hear the children being abused in the row house on the other side. I lived in that house for 10 years trying to be a presence of hope in a challenging situation. Then I burned out. I will never forget the day I sat on my back step looking at the garbage in the yard next to me, smoking a cigarette and thinking "I can't do this anymore". It was then that the journey toward moving to Seattle started. My close friend Mary has stayed. Of course, I would never have expected her to move as she runs a system of homeless shelters that she started in 1978. Project PLASE now houses hundreds of homeless from the mentally disabled for whom PLASE was started to Aids patients who have no place to live. Mary works constantly, always trying to raise money in a decidely unfriendly environment. She still lives in the home she purchased more than 30 years ago in west Baltimore in a neighborhood that is a couple of blocks from the area where season one of "The Wire" (television series about drug dealing and homicide) was filmed. In one of our conversations, Mary was once again bemoaning the fact that she was yet to see "The Wire". I told her that she lives in the midst of "The Wire" so there was no need to watch it. This was confirmed one morning during breakfast as I watched young men in the vacant lot behind Mary's small urban yard. Every time we sat at her table there was a fair amount of activity in this space. I thought "How terrific. They must be working on an urban garden." I finally asked Mary what these guys were doing. She casually said "Oh, there's a lot of drug dealing that goes on back there." I thought to myself about how I have definitely lost my street smarts. Mary is amazing. Despite the fact that she has lived among the poor and, in this case, dangerous, for all this time, she has never had anything happen to her. Her shelters are mostly in poor areas. She is a holy woman who attends daily mass and has worked on behalf of the poor and neglected her entire adult life. She is one of the most content people I know. Sharing her friendship is a gift and a blessing. She is a saint.

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