Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Train Adventures

When I left Baltimore to go to New York, I took the Megabus for $9.00. I spent the night with my niece and then headed once again on the Megabus to Boston for yet another $9.00. I am now on the train going from Boston to Ann Arbor, the cheapest way I could find to complete this significant loop I have been traveling for the past ten days. It has been a long time since I have traveled by train and I must say it is great. The scenery fed my soul as we followed a river for a good bit of the way. I saw herons and other birds on the many ponds and lakes we passed. It was very serene until this 40 something Robert De Niro wanna be, in every way imaginable, started yammering with two guys in the seat across from me. His very colorful language, with a very strong Boston accent, flooded the train car. I found all of this to be fairly entertaining until he took a look at the book I was clutching and said "Great book, you're reading. I've read it.". "Really?", I said, impressed that he had actually finished an entire sentence without using the F word. As I contemplated the rather absurd thought of this guy reading Marcus Borg's "Reading the Bible Again for the First Time", I suddenly had a very unpleasant epiphany. I glared at him with my very best power thought: don't you even think about sitting next to me! When I heard him going on with the guys about having to ride the f--ing train all the way to Michigan, I started plotting ways to fill the extra seat with all kinds of immovable objects. Lord have mercy. This could be a very long night.

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